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About Us

P.S. duPont Middle School
701 West 34th Street
Wilmington, DE 19802
Phone: (302)762-7146
Fax: (302)762-7196
P.S. duPont Middle School is home to almost 900 sixth, seventh, and eight grade students. The BSD Gifted Program is located at P.S. duPont, as is The Brumskill Early Childhood Assistance Program (ECAP). At P.S. duPont Middle School, students are encouraged to do their best every day.  
P.S. duPont Middle School is proud to boast one of the most historic yet modern schools in the state. P.S. duPont was built in 1935 by the City of Wilmington with a generous gift from Mr. Pierre Samuel duPont. At the time, P.S. was hailed as the greatest school building in the nation.
In 2008, the entire campus underwent a $44 million renovation that took nearly two years.  The three-story structure accommodates up to 950 students. Architects preserved the beautiful historic charm of the school while they updated it with all the modern features of a new building.
A few of the building's facilities include:

These impressive features pale in comparison to the historic design.  It continues to honor the school’s long reputation as the most majestic school in the state.
  • 1200 seat auditorium with a fly away curtain stage, new lighting, and new sound system
  •  A new Technology Center
  • cafeteria with restaurant-style seating.  New food prep and kitchen areas
  • two gyms
  • art gallery
  • restored library with all original oak casework
  • three computer labs for kids
  • a variety of new learning technology for teachers
  • a renovated competition size pool
  • a football and soccer stadium with a rubber track
  • courtyard and garden designed by Longwood Gardens
  • new Family Consumer Science Center