September 15, 2024 - Message from Principal Small
Hello Team PS duPont,
It’s hard to believe that we are already into our fourth week of school and the fall season is right around the corner. I hope everyone had an amazing weekend and was able to spend some time with family and friends.
Please note a couple of reminders and upcoming school activities:
Morning Drop-Off and Afternoon Dismissal
School hours are from 7:55 am until 2:50 pm. For the safety of everyone, parents should ONLY drop their children off in the designated drop off circle. Parents, please use extreme caution while driving through the campus and follow the guidance of our staff members who are there to assist you.
Parents, please note students will not be received at school until 7:55 am. Please do not drop students off earlier as they will not be able to enter the building.
The front of the building drop-off in the “horseshoe” will be reserved for car riders that will not be eating breakfast in the cafeteria. Walkers that will not be eating breakfast in the cafeteria will also enter through the front entrance adjacent to the “horseshoe.” Car riders who wish to eat breakfast are to be dropped off at the rear of the building in the drop-off zone. Designated staff will admit students 5 minutes early for those car riders who want breakfast.
Open House – September 25
A friendly reminder that Our Open House Program is scheduled for Wednesday, September 25 at 5:30 p.m. The purpose of our open house program is to provide families with an opportunity to meet teachers, receive course expectations and class guidelines (more details to follow).
Picture Day – October 1
Don’t forget to “dress to impress” for picture day on Tuesday, October 1.
Personal Appearance (Student Dress Code)
The goal at the Brandywine School District is to create a positive learning environment in which all students are afforded the opportunity to learn in a distraction and disruption-free setting. To assist in promoting such a learning environment, the following conditions for student dress are in effect in all schools across the District. Please note that items of clothing not specifically covered in the list below can be prohibited at the discretion of the building and/or District administration. Building and district administration commit to the equitable application of the student dress code for all students. Students in violation of the dress code will be required to change into clothes that meet the school’s expectations. Students must adhere to the following guidelines in school and at school-sponsored events.
- All shirts must cover shoulders, chest, and midriff.
- Pants and shorts are to be worn at the waist (pajamas are prohibited).
- The length of skirts, skorts and shorts must be at least mid-thigh in length.
- Heavy, bulky jackets, or overcoats should be placed in lockers.
- Footwear must be worn at all times.
- Clothing with inappropriate, suggestive, or derogatory pictures or phrases may not be worn.
- Clothing designed to be worn as undergarments may not be visible.
- No headwear is to be worn in the building during the school day. This includes, but is not limited to hats, bandanas, scarves, earmuffs, sunglasses, or any other head coverings, including hoods.
- Clothing with holes or ripped in areas above mid-thigh are not permitted unless there is a layer of clothing under the frayed item.
- Students wearing jewelry or accessories that may be considered unsafe or inappropriate to the learning environment may be subject to review by the administration.
- Any other garments or accessories that would be a distraction to an orderly educational process are prohibited.
This Week at a Glance:
Monday, 9/16 – 4 Day (Periods 4-2)
Tuesday, 9/17 – 3 Day (Periods 3-1)
Wednesday, 9/18 – 2 Day (Periods 2-7)
Fire Drill 9:30 a.m.
Thursday, 9/19 – 1 Day (Periods 1-6)
Friday, 9/20 – 7 Day (Periods 7-5)
Student Assembly Programs – “All are Welcome.”
Thank you.
September 3, 2024 - Message from Principal Small
I hope that everyone is having a safe and relaxing Labor Day Weekend!
As the principal of this amazing school, it is my pleasure to welcome everyone back for another great school year. We are all excited to have students back in our classrooms and hallways, filling them with energy and enthusiasm for learning. It is our goal to ensure that everyone feels welcomed, connected and part of the P.S. duPont Family. It is truly a privilege to be a part of a community where parents, teachers and students care for each other and strive to build positive relationships that support academic and social growth.
Please see below a couple of important informational items:
Our school doors open at 7:55 am for students. Breakfast is served in the cafeteria from 7:55 am until 8:05 am. All students should be in their 1st class of the day no later than 8:10 am. Starting tomorrow, Students who arrive after 8:05 a.m. must first report to the main office to sign in as late to school. They will then be admitted to class with a pass.
Four (4) or Less Attendance Campaign
This school year, the Brandywine School District is adopting the 4 Or Less = Success school attendance campaign to promote good student attendance. Good attendance means coming to school on time and staying all day, every day, which is key to every child’s success. After all, students must be present to learn!
All absences, whether excused or not, add up. Chronically absent students are more likely to read below grade level, have lower math and reading test scores, repeat a grade, and drop out of high school.
What you can do:
Talk to your child about how going to school every day will help them do well in school and achieve their hopes and dreams.
Keep an attendance chart at home to track absences.
Recognize your child for attending school every day.
Find a relative, friend, or neighbor who can take your child to and from school if you can’t.
Set up medical appointments for weekdays after school.
Make attending school every day a priority unless your child is truly sick.
The Brandywine School District wants all children to attend school each day so they can be successful in the future! We will be sending more information, materials, and tips about attendance throughout this school year. Please join us in making school attendance a priority so that we can help all of our children learn, achieve, and succeed.
GoGuardian Parent
Parents and Guardians can create an account that will provide direct access to their student’s online activity. This site will allow parents/guardians to block websites and pause internet access on school-issued Chromebooks after school hours.
The QR code will take you directly to the website to create an account.
WheresTheBus App
Families, you are encouraged to visit the following link on the BSD website to find out more information about Transportation. For your convenience, we have Where is the Bus app and a brand-new bus scanner to help you see when your child(ren) are boarding the bus. Students will either enter their school IDs or lunch numbers. You will receive information in the upcoming weeks on when students will receive their school IDs. Happy Riding!!
We hope you have a wonderful remainder of today’s holiday, and we look forward to seeing you bright and early tomorrow morning.